Buckeye!(a.k.a. Hayley!)

OMG if u want a really goood friend to cheer you up and someone to be nict to you and a really good lisener then go see bubckeye!!her site is(drum roll plz)

 http://www.1kbuckeye9.wordpress.com/  !!!!!!!

u have to go there!!she has an awsome blog!she is the the best fiend you clould ever want!!Seriouly go to her blog and become her friend!!!!

17 Responses to “Buckeye!(a.k.a. Hayley!)”



  2. penguinnator Says:

    lol i was too lazy to do this earlier!!lol

  3. penguinnator Says:

    im really lazy !!!lol but our neighborhood pool is now open!!!!!yay!!

  4. lol thats okay! Sweet! my neighborhood doesn’t have a pool 😦 but i go swimming to all kinds of places!


  5. penguinnator Says:

    kewl bbut now im mad cuz our lifeguard broke the diving board!!!!!!makes me mad its been there forever at least since we have been in this neighbor hood which is 8 years!!!!there was like a microscopic crack in the diving board and then shan(lifeguard) jumped off it it cracked even more!!!it soo bad u cant use it!!they even had to take it off!!

  6. 1kbuckeye9 Says:

    O that sucks! lol! Will they get a new one?

  7. penguinnator Says:

    idk!!!i hope so!

  8. I wish my naighbor hood had a pool! My street is HUGE! It goes on for like forever! It’s all twisty turny and goes on for a long time! I wish i could build i pool in my HUGE bachyard and people had to pay me money to go in it! Then i could get more webkinz! I’m gonna ask my mom if i could do that! lol!

  9. lol but my mom says i can get a stand up pool next summer! YAH! Seriously my back yard is HUGE so i have room! Buckeye stays in the middle of my yard on a chain (30 ft.) cuz he can jump over our fence! lol!

  10. penguinnator Says:

    lol thats kewl!!!i wonder if my dog jessy can swm cuz of course they dont let pets into the pool!and we dont have a pool in our yard cuz isnt every big………….

  11. penguinnator Says:

    oo kewl thx u put the old banner up !!!thx!!

  12. 1kbuckeye9 Says:

    Buckeye, he is flippn’ terrified of water! lol! Is Jessy a lab? Well anyways, he’s to big for me to take him in a tub so i take our back yards hose, and anytime i pick up the hose Buckeye starts running! lol! good thing he’s on a leash or I’d never be able to hold him down! He HATES water! lol!

  13. penguinnator Says:

    ya so does jessy and no jessy aint a lad she is a brindel boxer!!soon im gonna make a page about how i got her and all of our fun adventures together!!and ill post pix of her! https://penguinnator.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/check-out-my-slide-show-2/ is the site page for the slide show of my guinea pigs and jessy!

  14. penguinnator Says:

    and usualy i have to tie jessy to a pole on our deck with a leash to give her a bath but the she hides behind the table!!lol

  15. LOL I just luv doggies!

  16. penguinnator Says:

    lo, me too!!!

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